
Funny Christmas Jokes, Riddles and Puns - Part 5

Happy Holidays and laughter with our hilarious collection of Christmas jokes. We've got the classic Santa, Elves, Reindeer jokes and a lot more.

The Best Funny Christmas Jokes

What is the most romantic part of your body during Christmas? Mistle-toe
Why is a burning Christmas candle like being thirsty? Because a little water ends both of them
If a reindeer lost his tail, where would it go for a new one? A retail shop
Which of Santa’s reindeer has bad manners? RUDE-olph
How do you make a slow reindeer fast? You don’t feed it
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve!
What kind of Christmas tree comes from Hawaii? O Tanning Palms!
What do sheep say to shepherds at Christmastime? Season's Bleatings!
Why couldn’t the butterfly go to the Chistmas party? It was a moth ball
What do you call it when Santa takes a break from delivering presents? Santa pause
What do you call it when Cris Kringle claps his hands? Santapplause
Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters? They both drop needles
What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt? Snow
Where do you find reindeer? Depends where you left them
Noah: I thought we had two turkeys when we left? Noah’s Wife: Well, it is Christmas…
Did you hear about the dyslexic Satanist? He sold his soul to Santa

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What is the most romantic part of your body during Christmas?  Mistle-toe
Why is a burning Christmas candle like being thirsty? Because a little water ends both of them
If a reindeer lost his tail, where would it go for a new one? A retail shop