Are you Jewish? Cause the way you're looking at me, I'm beginning to think I would kiss you.
You know how it is with culture, everything begins at sundown!
Are you Jewish? Cause you israeli hot!
Your eyes are shinier than the oil in the menorah!
I finally understand the true meaning of the Sabbath. It's to give a girl like you a rest from running through my mind the rest of the week.
Want to go fiddle on a roof?
Can I put out your burning bush?
Can I go into you garden of Eden?
My people invented circumcision....Your Welcome
On a scale from 1 to 10, you're hotter than the number of nights of Hanukkah.
You must not be kosher for passover because you're makeing my matza rise
Yo gurl don't that you were mine
Can I come into your massada?
I know I'm one of the chosen people but I just want to be chosen by you, baby
Are u bat mitzvahed, cuz I need a woman?
You see this dress? It's made of Emma material.
I'll be Moses, you can play with my staff, and I'll scream Let my people go!
Come over to my place on Shabbat, we can Netflix and cholent.
When you come to my house, the Mezuzah isn't the only thing you will be touching!
God told us to go forth and multiply and I feel something going forth and multiplying as we speak
Even though it's breaking a commandment, I'm worshipping you right now.
A woman like you makes me wish our mechitza were see-through.
How bout I play moses and u play with my staff.
I would love to wonder in your wilderness for 40 years
Are those matza balls in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
You must be a dybbuk because my body feels like it belongs to you now and also why do you remind me of my dead great-grandfather?
I wanna light your menorah.
Got any jew in you? Want some?
Are you bar mitzvahed, cuz I need a woman?
You must be Egyptian because I'm a slave for you.