Do you wanna ride my mayflower?
You put the ass in casserole
Halloween is the night of darkness. But you are brighter than an angel.
One look at you and I'm gonna have to unbutton my pants! Cause they are about to burst!
My foot isn't the only part of me that's lucky.
Damn, gurl, you've got some fine yams.
Look, Jesus came back from the dead today. I think we can make this work.
I just got this naughty list from Santa and I'm pretty sure you're on it.
You are what I want for Christmas.
What do you want for Christmas? A date with you!
When I saw you walk in, It got so hot, my skin melted. Literally. (zombie/undead)
Lucky girl, you don't need Halloween. You look like an angel every day. (no costume)
I heard there is a vampire on the loose, you better stay with me tonight.
Hey Cinderella, it's time I took you home. It's nearly midnight!
I can't find a costume for Halloween, so can I just go as your boyfriend?
I was going to go as a polar bear but I figured [Your Costume] could break the ice, too.
You're a skele-10 in my book.
Want to be my -boo-ty call?
Is that a magic wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
What's a nice ghoul like you doing in a crypt like this?
I'd love to get you in my gravy boat.
I put the "pump" in pumpkin pie.
Baby, I can make your Plymouth Rock!
I'm the opposite of a turkey, I cook for four and a half hours after my timer pops!
Black ice isn't the only thing I'm falling for.
I'd definitely let you join in my reindeer games.
I don't have a foot fetish, but I'm pretty into mistle-toe.
Are you looking for a tree topper? Because I've been told I'm a star on top.
I take romance to a new level, I don't cuddle, I hibernate.
Do you like Jingle Bells? Because you look like you go all the way!