You must be an angel, because your texture mapping is so divine!
If you tried to free me from your allocated memory I'd become a dangling pointer because girl, I'll never stop writing to you.
You are my semicolon; always present in everything I do.
If I can't buy you a drink, at least let me fix your laptop.
You've stolen the ASCII to my heart.
Baby, you're the invariant of the algorithm of my heart.
A life without you, would be like a computer without an OS.
Baby, you make all my binary search trees balance.
You make me want to calibrate my joystick without the latest drivers.
You are my API. I want to know everything about you.
Hey baby, how about you let me probe your ports, and you can dereference my pointer?
I'd switch to emacs for you.
You're hotter than a data center!
Press any key to continue.
You are my superclass: you define what I can do.
You are my methods. I am nothing without you.
Yes, that's a iPhone in my pocket, but I'm also glad to see you.
You have a good web-surfing stance.
Hey girl, want to see my Red Hat?
Baby if my heart were a *nix box, you'd have root access.