
Physics Pick Up Lines - Part 2

The Best Physics Pick Up Lines

You must be the Higgs Boson particle, because I have been colliding, and colliding and I finally found you.
Heisenberg was wrong. I'm certain about what you're doing tonight.
Wanna expand my polynomial?
I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun-with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.
What is you sine?
Hey baby, wanna violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle with me?
I saw your empty valence shell from way over there. Did I mention that my nickname is Sodium?
I'm attracted to you more than an electron is attracted to a proton.
Your eyes have a perfect wavelength of 563.4 nm.
Engineers don't know the first thing about pleasing a woman. Friction alone can't get the job done.
Is it just disproportionate gravitational force or are your eyes just a Great Attractor?
Wanna couple our equations tonight?
Does your skin feel burnt? Because I think you must have just fallen down from heaven, and re-entry gave you a tan.
Hey baby, wanna get together and make our own Grand Unified Theory?
Let's exchange fermions!
Is that a Higgs boson in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
I'm hung like a Foucault pendulum.
I can recite pi out to 50 decimal places.
You are spreading your hotness everywhere like an exothermic reaction.
Was that drink magnetic? 'Cause you are attractive.
You give me Epsilon, I give you Delta. Together, we find limits.
Hey baby, what's your quantum number?
What's your amplitude for charm-strange mixing?

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You must be the Higgs Boson particle, because I have been colliding, and colliding and I finally found you.
Heisenberg was wrong. I'm certain about what you're doing tonight.
Wanna expand my polynomial?