
Funny Star Wars Pick Up Lines - Part 1

The Best Star Wars Lines

You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar
Aren’t you a little hot to be a stormtrooper?
You stole my heart like the rebellion stole the Death Star plans.
Yoda only one for me.
You're the Obi-wan for me.
Baby, you’ve been looking for love in Alderaan places!
Can I call you my Na-boo?
I must be from Alderaan, because you just blew up my world.
I feel a great disturbance.. In my pants.
My barge is not the only thing ready to explode!
Are you a Sith Lord? Because I’ve Fallen for you.
You like Star Wars? Let's go back to my place and violate the Jedi Code.
I would hit that like the side of a tree on Endor.
I could spend a millennium in your falcon.
We would be honored if you would join me.
Did it hurt when you fell from Cloud City?
We should get matching tatooines.
You're endor-able!
The force is strong with this one.
I usually Han Solo, but I'd let you turn on my light saber!
Are you a Jedi Master? Cause, Yoda-Licious!
I maybe an ewok, but I’m all wookiee where it counts!
Can I see your garbage mashers on the detention level?
Do you understand the binary language of moisture vaporators? Because I’d like to program your binary loadlifter.
I wanna Lando in your Calrissian.
I'm here to collect the bounty on dat ass.
Unlike Han, I won't shoot first.
Why don’t we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light-saber?
Your smile glows brighter than a lightsaber.
Obi-Wan told me to follow my instincts, and my instincts are all over you.

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You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar
Aren’t you a little hot to be a stormtrooper?
You stole my heart like the rebellion stole the Death Star plans.