I think I've seen you somewhere before. You're the same girl from my dream last night.
Girl you're like a car accident, cause I just can't look away.
Were do you hide your wings?
Is it bright out here, or is that just your halo?
I hope there's a fireman around, cause you're smokin'!
I didn't believed in heaven, until I saw you.
Is your dad a jewel thief? because you're a real jem.
(To someone working somewhere where a counter seperates you) You're like a drug to me. Good thing you're over the counter.
If you were a transformer, you'd be a HOT-obot, and your name would be Optimus Fine
Do you wanna come dance with the big bad wolf? [ No! ] Its okay, the other two pigs said no too!
Do you know karate? Cause your body's kickin!
Your shirt has to go, but you can stay
Is your body from McDonald's? Cause I'm lovin' it!
Your so cute its distracting.
If you don't like turkey, I've got another kind of meat you'd want.
Is that a shovel in your back pocket? Cuz I'm diggin dat ass!
(She asks you the time) Its two flirty and the date's with you and me.
My name is [your here] but you can call me tonight!
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you've got a pretty sweet ass.
I'm going outside to make out... care to join me?
Hi, I'm Mr. Right--I heard you were looking for me.
Did you hear that? Was that canon fire? Oh no, it's just my heart pounding!
Girl, are you a cop? [No] Cause you're America's Finest
Was your father an alien? Because there's nothing else like you on earth!
I'll show you my tan lines if you show me yours.
Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie about that part?
I am a man of few words. You are beautiful. Would you like to go out?
There isn't a word in the dictionary to describe how beautiful you are.
Wanna ring in the new year with a bang?