
Pick Up Lines by Religion - Part 14

The Best Religious Pick Up Lines

Look, you're nearly 22. Most Christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me.
The Lord taketh away… and the Lord… giveth me to you
You're looking for a knight in shining armour? I just happen to be wearing the armour of God
Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
Want to practice speaking in tongues with me? Here's my number... Call me if you need prayer.
For you I would slay TWO Goliaths.
Unfortunately I cant perform miracles and I've only got enough bread and fish for 2 people.
My parents are home, wanna come over?
You must be Egyptian because I'm a slave for you.
Eye for an eye? Nah, I'm more a kiss-for-a-kiss kind a guy
I would like to pray with you
Jesus loves me, one day you will too!
Are you a traditionalist? Because your form is extraordinary.
Is this seat taken or are you a Sedevacantist?
Can I kiss your Mezuzah?
I'd part the Red Sea for you.
The Holy Spirit is driving me into the wilderness of your temptations.
In this shul, women are not called up to the torah. May I call you up at home?
What are you doing for the rest of your afterlife?
You float my ark.
I didn't believe in predestination until I met you tonight.
Is your name Faith? Cause you're the substance of things I've hoped for.
I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder
You make me want to be a better Christian.
You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo.
Did you say your name was Esther? Oh, I guess I just think you were chosen for such a time as this.
Ten percent of me is 100 percent certain that I can give you 10 percent of my heart forever.
If we were around with Noah, then you, me, pair!
High, I'm Will, God's will!
I'd marry Leah if it meant I'd also get to marry you.

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Look, you're nearly 22. Most Christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me.
The Lord taketh away… and the Lord… giveth me to you
You're looking for a knight in shining armour? I just happen to be wearing the armour of God