How bout you and me go downstairs and brush up on our strokes?
Are you into monochrome? Because I'd love to use my charcoal to color us black and white.
I love anatomy...especially yours.
If I told you your body looked like the Met's Aphrodite, would you hold it against me?
Are you a Shepard Fairey poster? Because I can't believe you don't already belong to someone else.
I came here wanting to see great art, but I never thought I'd see such a vision of loveliness.
I'd like to hang you up and nail you to the wall.
At first I thought I was looking at a Monet, but you are so much more beautiful up close.
You know, back in the 16th century, this kind of thing was taboo. My how things change...
You must be a piece of art, because I'd like to nail you up against a wall.
I would drag you to a museum, but they said not to touch the masterpieces.
Hey girl. It may take me a few days to carefully document your verso and recto sides.
Have you ever posed nude?
Hey girl, I know you don't accept permanent loans but will you make an exception for my heart?
Call the Art Loss Register, 'cause you just stole my heart.
Let me be your Frank Gehry and I'll be sure to properly balance your curves.
Do fries come with that juxtaposition of light and color
Hey girl is your name Salvador Dali because you is Persistently in my Memory.
Would you mind if I tour the gallery with you?
I would love to draw you. Would you pose for me?
Do you have an audio tour, because I want to hear all about you.
Sorry for staring, I thought your face was a work of art.
Being around you makes me higher than attending Rob Pruitt's ‘Cocaine Buffet.'
You must be an Anish Kapoor sculpture, because I can see myself in you.
You're so fine you could make an impression on Monet.
I was not aware that living artists could exhibit themselves here...
Hey girl you shine so bright I need to change my ISO to 100.
Your pretty face sure would make a beautiful painting.
You must be a Richard Serra sculpture because I want to get involved with you, end up stuck in a loop, then get spit out right where I started.
Hey girl call me Rockwell 'cause I'd like to show you my slab-serif.