
Pick Up Lines by Place - Part 8

The Best Places

You're body is so banging, what do you say we make a sequel.
Are you a thriller? Because I can't seem to put you down.
You were saying, how big is your library again?
You wouldn't happen to have an extra pencil on you?
You know what else is perfect? The card catalog of your features, girl.
Want to come back to my place to see my huge Phillip K. Dick collection?
Let's sneak off to the reference section and make little citations.
If you were a book, I'd need glasses, because you'd definitely be fine print.
Like the dewey decimal system? Iā€™m the do-it decimal system.
You must be the Lord of my flies, because they'll only unzip for you.
Found the poetry section. May I take you back in the stacks and read you some verses?
There are so many books here but I want to read you.
I think you might have mistaken me for a library bookā€¦ you've been checking me out all day.
I may not be a cataloger, but I bet I can find a place to fit you in.
What a great looking dog ā€“ can I pet you ā€“ I mean him?
Is it warm out here or are you in heat?
I love to be pawed
My dog is humping your dog. It must be fate!
You. Me. Bacon.
Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day with a frisbee in your mouth.
I must be a Dog Tick, because I'm stuck on you.
Do you pee here often?
You can pee on my fire hydrant any time.
You had me at ruff.
Did you invent the airplane? Cause you seem Wright for me
Have trouble sleeping on trains? [No] You will when we travel together.
If we go down, I'll save you first.
If you want some layover with me, I promise I won't complain about it, babe.
Girl, a 12 hour time difference really wouldn't make me feel bad about you, believe me.
I hate red-eye flights, but I would fly all night for you.

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You're body is so banging, what do you say we make a sequel.
Are you a thriller? Because I can't seem to put you down.
You were saying, how big is your library again?