
Pick Up Lines by Place - Part 6

The Best Places

I dig you more than a shovel digs up plants.
Hate to see you go, but I love to watch your leaves!
I want to plant my Dogwood right in between your two big Hibiscus.
How big does your squash grow?
I'd like to make you my backyard bounty.
Did I ever tell you, you smell like a freshly cut lawn?
I've got an apple tree In my backyard. I'd catch them like I'd catch you.
You smell as good as a bundle of lavender.
What do you say we get out of here and free range somewhere green?
These mason jars fit perfectly in my hand. I bet you would too.
Roses are red, Violets are Blue, Tulips are cute, can I have your number?
Is your name Daisy cause I wanna plant you right here!
If me and you made a garden, would you plant your tulips next to mine?
Your name must be Daisy, because I have the incredible urge to plant you right here!
I like getting my hands dirty in any kind of organic garden.
Do you have anything by the author Swallow? First initial I?
I'd like to catalog your private parts.
You must have been burning books, because you're looking hot.
Charles Dickens might have written Great Expectations, but I can surpass them.
Wanna Middlemarch out of here and go get a coffee somewhere?
I don't need the Dewey decimal system to find you attractive.
I would check you out but the library closes in 15 minutes...
It's a shame they don't allow drinks in the library, because I'd drink you up.
No one believes I am a librarian, maybe you should try to check me out.
Can we all agree to take a pass on "stacked"?
Can I check you out and take you home with me.
What book would you recommend to help me sweep you off your feet?
It's a shame you can't eat in the library, because I'm hungry for you.
I hope you're not in the restricted section, because I'd love to take you out.
Excuse me miss, can I pay for your printing?

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I dig you more than a shovel digs up plants.
Hate to see you go, but I love to watch your leaves!
I want to plant my Dogwood right in between your two big Hibiscus.