
Funny Puns - Part 7

Puns are great and quick way to make someone laugh or give you a nasty look! Give it a go and see if your friend has a sense of humor. It's always funnier if they're slow to get the pun.

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The Best Puns

What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter.
My wife told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down.
I've found a job helping a one armed typist do capital letters. It's shift work
What do the movies titanic and the sixth sense have in common? -- Icy dead people
How do you get two whales in a car? Start in England and drive west.
The race car driver had a checkered past.
He knew his lot in life was to create the world's greatest mosquito repellant. He had a deet with destiny.
How do pinnipeds communicate? With seal phones.
I was going to buy some loose tea, but the price was too steep.
The smoker always listened to his favorite Rap artist on his smoke breaks. He was a Tupac a day man.
A monster who likes to ring doorbells is a knock less monster.
I might study something at a university that someone once told me about - there is a degree of ambiguity there.
Zookeepers spot clean their leopards.
Bird-dogs are great for music, because they're both woofers and tweeters.
Doctors send patients to pool halls to find remarkable cuers.
The thing about vampires is they always have such biting humour.
A clumsy physician who pretends to care is a hypocritical oaf.
If intervening was an olympic sport, he'd win the gold meddle.
When the shoe store owner discovered that someone had broken into his store, the police pumped him for information.
The astronomer quit his job to become a barber. Eclipse hair now.

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What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter.
My wife told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down.I've found a job helping a one armed typist do capital letters. It's shift work