Can I do your systems analysis?
You must be differentiable, because all I see are smooth curves.
I miss you so hard, titanium would break like glass.
My love for you could power the world's electrical needs for our our time.
You and I must have same natural frequency cause we resonate together!
You must be tired, because you've been running through the Internet all day.
I must be a good customer because I keep getting served by the most beautiful bartender in the place.
I am an electrician, I want to give you a jolt of my high voltage juice,
Is that a shark in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Baby your ass is rounder than a motor's rotor.
You're flooding my heart with emotions.
Do I turn you on? Because I can.
If you were a burger at McDonald's, you would be the new McShock.
Is your father a plumber? Because when you come in the room, it seems so clogged.
Girl I'm an Electrician, I can turn your lights on.
Can I stick my rudder in your stern?
Toi-let me be your valentine?
Are you a captain of a ship? Cuz I'm the captain of my own destiny...
Don't lie on your personal history interview. You wouldn't want to mess with perfection.
How many native pollinators do you have at your farm?
Wanna go with me to pick up parts and salt?
You'd sure look good in my milking boots.
I have a dirty job. I'm a plumber.
You must be an accountant because I’ve put you on my payroll.
Do you want to get some tuna fish and field mouse pudding?
Hey girl, do you know why they call me Gross Profit? Well actually, no one does...they just call me gross.
I got invited to the steak dinner at the John Deere dealer.
My parents don't live on the same acreage.
Why don't you come to my farm and check out my high tunnel?
I have a precedent that is long and deep.