
Funny Lines by Occupation, Profession or Trade - Part 13

Top Lines by Occupation

Is your mom a light bulb? Because you light up my world.
Are you a transformer? Because you make my heart change frequency.
Do you have a switch? Because you turned on my feelings.
Are you an electric current? Because you’re flowing through my veins.
Do you have a resistance? Because my heart can’t resist you.
Is your dad a power station? Because you’re generating a lot of attraction.
Do you have a ground wire? Because you’re keeping me grounded.
Do you come with a ground fault interrupter? Because you’re shocking.
Are you a power surge? Because you’re overwhelming.
Do you have a circuit breaker? Because you just turned me on.
Are you a power strip? Because you have multiple outlets of attraction.
Can I take you out for dinner? Because I can’t resist your spark.
Are you a light switch? Because you’re illuminating my world.
If you were a light switch, I’d never turn you off.
Do you know what my favorite type of wire is? The one that connects me to you.
I don’t need a meter to tell me that you’re hot.
I think you’re the missing piece to complete my circuit.
Do you believe in love at first shock?
Is your name Watt? Because you’re looking pretty electric.
You must be a transformer because you’re transforming my day into something special.
Are you a circuit breaker? Because you’re tripping me up!
I’m a little shocked by how attracted I am to you.
You’re like a switch, turning me on every time I’m near you.
I feel like we’re in perfect resonance because we’re tuned to each other’s frequency.
Can I be your ground? Because I’m feeling really connected to you.
I can give you a jolt of pleasure that you won’t forget.
I’m really good at turning things on, want me to prove it?
You must be a great bartender because you sure know how to shake things up.
Excuse me, do you have any recommendations for a good cocktail? I trust your taste, because you’re the best thing I’ve seen all night.
Excuse me, is this stool taken? Or can I buy you a drink and make it ours?

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Is your mom a light bulb? Because you light up my world.
Are you a transformer? Because you make my heart change frequency.
Do you have a switch? Because you turned on my feelings.