You ever been with a man that has Parkinson's? You won't need to do a thing. Just hold on tight and I'll do the rest.
Y'all might not be the purtiest gal here, but we can change that with the flip of a light switch.
Wanna come over to my trailer, drink some beer and see my new velvet Elvis painting?
I know I usually work in the fields, but tonight, I could churn your butter.
Wanna watch me unload my six shooter?
Come on now, ride your cowboy.
Hey baby I've got a living quarters trailer with a big bed in the front.
How about sticking a pinch of me between your cheek and gum?
It's all about love and drugs, baby. Can you be my love and I'll be your drug.
Astral project with me, so I question how real this reality actually is.
Are those Nudie Limited Edition Masa Japan jeans from outer space? Because your ass is out of this world.
The color palate of your face is really great in this lighting.
Cool necklace. is that locally handcrafted?
Let's listen to The 1975 and make out under the stars.
Wow, are you a cougar? 'Cause I have a feeling you hunted guys my age before it was cool.
Are you from the area? 'Cause I only date locally-sourced.
I never knew hellish demons flew so close to the ground.
All of my most important poems and drawings are in this little book. And I'd like you to have it because they're mostly about you.
Is that a candle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Pardon me, but my corset has come unlaced. Could you tighten it for me?
Don't you think the human voice, wailing in agony, is the most beautiful of all instruments?
Let's put the 'fun' in funeral!
Tell me, is your heart as cold and black as your eyes?
Is that blood or wine your having cause I was gonna get you another.
I lost my black lipstick, can I borrow yours?
You've stolen my heart away. Luckily, I've got another three or four in the freezer.
If I followed you home, would you keep me?
Vampires won't be the only thing I'm slaying tonight.
Which is easier when you are sad, getting into tight pants or getting out of them?